Body Flexibility & Contortion

Body Flexibility & Contortion

Students attending our Body Flexibility Class need to wear:

  • Crop Top & Shorts (Recommended)
  • Leotard & Shorts
  • Vest / T-Shirt & Shorts
  • Or Just A Leotard


Our mission is to create a new global culture where flexibility is done safely & correctly using specific progressions, good alignment, and strength support. Where technique is the focus. Where students are given the tools to have longevity of career, and everyone of all ages will feel better in their bodies.

The Alixa Flexibility Method is a progressive and proven syllabus designed to educate instructors how to teach flexibility progressions safely & effectively through 5 modules.

Our courses give instructors a valuable curriculum to develop their student’s flexibility, alignment, body awareness & strength as well as the tools to protect them & avoid unnecessary injuries. 

Our syllabus has been carefully developed over 20 years with research consultation from experts in physio therapy, sports medicine, massage therapy, rehabilitation, kinesioiogy, neurology, and incorporates expertise from the circus world, rhythmic gymnastics, ballet, acro dance, hand balancing, dance, artistic gymnastics, fitness, pilates, and contortion.



We feel very passionately that every student should feel positive about their body. Our program is designed to provide equal opportunity for every student- no matter their natural ability, body limitations, age, or prior history. 

We believe students have only one body and they need to keep it safe & heathy their entire lifetime. Instructors need to be highly educated in safe flexibility methods to be able to give students the tools to protect them & avoid unnecessary injuries. Thus providing longevity to their students. Flexibility when done correctly promotes body confidence, the ability to move better, and helps keep the body pain free.

Through social media, we focus on changing the way flexibility is promoted, by emphasizing technique, alignment, strength and progressions.

Alixa Flexibility Method

  • Learn to discover issues that could set a student up for injury
  • Find the best ways to help students unlock their potential
  • Become more confident in how to progress students of all different ages & abilities
  • Discover better ways to work with students with hyper mobility
  • Develop a fine eye for alignment
  • Learn to discover issues that could set a student up for injury
  • Find the best ways to help students unlock their potential
  • Become more confident in how to progress students of all different ages & abilities
  • Discover better ways to work with students with hyper mobility

Pyramid To Stretching Success

These 3 tools can make a massive effect on the during stretches.


We use micro-mobility in stretches (example: side to side, mini circles, counter balancing). All these mobility movements helps to release the body and gain overall mobility as they are doing the stretching. We are. trying to create more of a active flexibility & general mobility of the whole body.


We use massage to help the fascia along, we try to do micro-fascia releases during the stretches. Massage is very soothing and relaxing, both mobility & massage really helps students who are not flexible and have tight muscles to relax to help in the stretches. Students feel more positive as it's less painful and mentally feeling they are releasing the body, so for the first time they'll feel like they are gaining something from the stretch.


Vibration is very important as it works in many ways:

  • It works as a reset button for the nervous system as it calms it down which helps students who struggle with stretching as well as students with great flexibility.
  • It also helps release endorphins in the brain which makes this more a positive experience.

How Our Teachers Have Trained

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