Only for Students who attend Friday or Saturday Acrobatics Classes only as this is for preparation for Acrobatic Arts Exams.
If you are part of our payment plans you will not need to buy a subscription as it's included.
We now have the ability to share the Acrobatic Arts Video Syllabus to students for home practice for the level that they are on, this will help them prepare for Acro Exams if students would like to take them. We are planning to have an exam session in 2021.
You don't need to buy each level on the app which can cost £27-£40 depending on what level. You can subscribe through us for a annual fee and get all updates & your child's next Acrobatic Arts level included when your child passes their exam.
We will recommend a tablet to use but can be used on a phone. Download “My Acro App” on Play Store (Android) or App Store (IOS). You can either email me the Device ID (in the app) or bring in the device so we can scan the QR code or screenshot the QR Code and email/WhatsApp it to Rob.
Once Rob has activated your rental package, your devices will have a notification when you open the app for new content update which will active the students Acro Level Syllabus Videos.
When student pass their exams then the next Acrobatic Arts Level will be automatically activated on to the app.
Once the time limit for what you paid is up then the videos will be automatically disabled on your device until you purchase another package. We have limited capacity to do this so get in early not to miss out.